package treating

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at
Thu Oct 23 16:49:58 EDT 2003

Thanks to Simon Marlow for the explanations.

> > By the way, I somehow lost the way to the  Postscript file  of the
> > GHC User Guide, how does one get it? 

With  .ps,  I sometimes print the Manual to the paper, to book.
Say, print the pages 1 -- 300.
I do not know how to do this with .html.
I can convert some small part to .ps when viewing .html.
But it is desirable to be able to convert it  all  to one  .ps
I am sorry for the ignorance, but does .html replace fully .ps ?

On DoCon test for GHC
is suggestion to use DoCon for the automatic GHC test.
For many years, almost any new GHC version has a bug which is 
displayed by  1) `making' DoCon ported from the last GHC version,
              2) running  T_.test.  

Simon Marlow wrote that the reason for not doing this is that
it is a lot of code for the nightly builds.
But  DoCon source +  make a file  
of about  800 K byte, 5 times smaller than  ghc-src.
It builds in a couple of minutes, it is 20 times faster than
ghc builds from source.

On last reliable GHC version
For any occasion:
it is good to always keep available on public the latest reliable 
GHC version.

For example, the DoCon program failed (so far) with ghc-6.0.1,
due to the gc bug in ghc. 
And the DoCon Installing guide  says: 
"it was tested for  ghc-5.02.2 ...".
At least, DoCon user should be able to download and install this 
ghc-5.02.2   (in this particular case, I suspect, 5.04 fits).

With kind regards,

Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at

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