Compiling ghc

Ulf Doz maril_manson at
Mon Nov 17 22:19:13 EST 2003

Hi list
I try to compile ghc 6.0.1 on RH 9. In my compile-it-my-self-fanatism I 
need to do a two-stage-bootstrap. As explained in the porting and 
bootstrapping documentation I used the cross-port script distrbuted with 
the source. But in the first stage ghc issues an error message as follows:
ghc-6.0.1: invalid option combination
Usage: For basic information, try the `--help' option.
The last call make did, before the error was issued:
../../ghc/compiler/ghc-inplace -H16m -O -fglasgow-exts -cpp -Iinclude 
-#include HsBase.h -funbox-strict-fields -package-name base 
-keep-hc-files-too -optc-DNO_REGS -optc-DUSE_MINIINTERPRETER 
-fno-asm-mangling -funregisterised -fvia-C  -split-objs    -c 
GHC/Base.lhs -o GHC/Base.o  -ohi GHC/Base.hi
I'm not familiar with ghc, more precisely, I'm completely new to 
Haskell. So it would be nice if someone could give me a hint.

	Thanks in advance...


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