update of ghc-6.0 rpms for Red Hat Linux 9
Jens Petersen
05 Jun 2003 20:12:22 +0900
Hi Martin,
2003年06月05日(木)の17時08分に Martin Norbäck 曰く:
> tor 2003-06-05 klockan 08.18 skrev Jens Petersen:
> > ps If you wish to have the prof libs too next time I build, please let
> > me know. I use them so rarely myself that I didn't bother to build
> > them, but I don't mind doing so if there is demand.
> I think there may be a demand.
> I use profiling frequently, especially heap profiling. Some memory leaks
> are very hard to find otherwise, especially in code I haven't written
> myself.
It seems there is demand for profiling, so I'll turn it back on again
next time I update the rpm package.
> But don't bother building it just for me, I've already built an RPM
> myself from the included spec file. It worked flawlessly. Did you make
> any changes to it?
As a matter of fact, I have made a number of improvements to the spec
file and I'm planning to submit a patch for them shortly, though
semantically I don't think it has been changed that much.