
Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace@cs.york.ac.uk
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 09:58:08 +0100

Serguey Zefirov <sz@uc.ru> writes:

>   Also, package.conf says:
> ------------------
>     {name = "objectio",
>      import_dirs = ["$libdir/imports/ObjectIO"],
> ------------------
>   but directory $libdir/imports/ObjectIO contains no ObjectIO.hi file!
>   It contains, however, Graphics/UI and only there floats ObjectIO.hi.
>   So the only example I've downloaded fails.
>   Even "import ObjectIO.Graphics.UI.ObjectIO" instead "import
>   ObjectIO" couldn't help.

The package.conf file is correct.  If you use

    import Graphics.UI.ObjectIO

the system will find the interface file correctly from the directory
$libdir/import/ObjectIO.  Perhaps it would be clearer if the base
directory for the package were named $libdir/import/objectio, that
the name of the directory should not be mentioned in your program's
import declaration.
