GHC Poll: scope in GHCi
Ketil Z Malde
14 Jan 2002 10:59:21 +0100
Koen Claessen <> writes:
> | Does anyone have any better suggestions?
> I think any solution that leaves it transparent as to if it
> is a compiled or an interpreted module is fine.
> But I have understood that this is hard to achieve...
How about using a different command for importing the exported
interface only?
:l M --loads the whole (internal/top level) module
:i M --"imports" the module's exported interface
If :l requires interpretation, then so be it, otherwise use compiled
modules whenever possible.
I'm not sure I see the need for "namespace combinators" (ie. SM's
suggested :m +M and so on)
If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants