GHC Poll: scope in GHCi
Max A.K.
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 19:45:12 +0600
Is there any haskell interpreter done it already?
Hugs and hmake support ":also" command. I don't know
now exactly it works, but quick test showed than
it (sometimes) helps to mix scopes:
Hi (hmake/nhc98):
------- begin cut
Prelude> :also Maybe
[Std module... /usr/local/opt/nhc98/include/nhc98/Prelude.hi]
[Std module... /usr/local/opt/nhc98/include/nhc98/Maybe.hi]
Maybe> print "a"
Maybe> :also IO
[Std module... /usr/local/opt/nhc98/include/nhc98/Prelude.hi]
[Std module... /usr/local/opt/nhc98/include/nhc98/Maybe.hi]
[Std module... /usr/local/opt/nhc98/include/nhc98/IO.hi]
IO> listToMaybe [1]
Just 1
------- end cut