efficiency question
Kirsten Chevalier
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 10:48:28 -0800
On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 at 12:01:02PM -0500, glasgow-haskell-users-request@haskell.org wrote:
> > I'd say that's because in the second case you also got to apply the (,),
> > besides the (+)/(-) constructor during the transversing...
> > Am I right?
> opss... I meant to write: the (,) constructor besides the (+)/(-)...
> J.A.
I'd guess that it's not just that you have to apply the (,) constructor -- it
also has to do with the fact that the tuples it's constructing here are boxed.
Kirsten Chevalier * krc@cs.berkeley.edu * Often in error, never in doubt
"When nothing remains of me, / Not a particle, / I shall sparkle in the
footnote of an article." -- Daniel Aaron