hsc2hs does not fail
Axel Simon
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 11:37:13 +0100 (BST)
for some reason hsc2hs does not fail if the automatically generated
program fails to execute. This only happends if I forget to set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH before saying make. But it leads to a confusing error
messages when an empty .hs file is left and ghc complaints with "file name
does not match module name".
The patch below was done against ghc-5.02.2 on FreeBSD.
*** Main.hs~ Fri Sep 14 17:15:11 2001
--- Main.hs Tue Apr 16 11:29:28 2002
*** 504,510 ****
_ -> return ()
removeFile oProgName
! system (execProgName++" >"++outName)
removeFile progName
when needsH $ writeFile outHName $
--- 504,513 ----
_ -> return ()
removeFile oProgName
! progStatus <- system (execProgName++" >"++outName)
! case progStatus of
! e@(ExitFailure _) -> exitWith e
! _ -> return ()
removeFile progName
when needsH $ writeFile outHName $