no digest

Serge D. Mechveliani
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 09:27:25 +0400


You write

> I'm trying to build DoCon which requires Haskell.
> Actually, I now understand the problem better.
> Haskell requires happy to build.
> happy requires Haskell to build. 
> (ldl is a compiler switch to haskell /usr/bin/ghc -ldl)
> So I need to install Haskell before I can build Haskell.
> I've installed it and am trying to continue the build.

Generally, concerning  Glasgow Haskell  (ghc)  installation and usage,


They know GHC and Haskell much better and will help promptly.
Explain them what system and processor you have.

GHC compiles and `makes' itself.
And for the  first time,   you need to install Glasgow Haskell  (ghc)
from  binary  distribution, not from source.
Take from       

the binary distribution appropriate to your system  
(Linux, Intel ... ?)
DoCon needs version     ghc-5.02.2  or  ghc-5.02.3

If you have  Debian Linux,  then install ghc-5.02.2 from the package
of Debian distribution.
Binary installation does  not  require the Happy parser to be 
installed earlier.

Then, see  install.txt  of  DoCon. 
Also I shall help  - only, after about April 25.

Serge Mechveliani