An answer and a question to GHC implementors [was Re: How to make Claessen's Refs Ord-able?]
Ashley Yakeley
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 18:49:51 -0700
At 2002-04-08 11:33, John Meacham wrote:
>this usage of unsafePerformIO is such a staple of real-world Haskell
>programming, it seems there should be some language (or experemental
>compiler *wink wink ghc nudge*) support for it.
Sounds like a bad habit that shouldn't be encouraged to me. Still, if
there is a way to support this safely, perhaps it should be allowed.
I'd like to see a compiler flag that made all "unsafe" calls compiler
errors. I'd put it into package javavm so that anyone using JVM-Bridge
would have it turned on.
Ashley Yakeley, Functional Purist
Rank 2 Knight, Order of the Polymorphic Typed Lambda Calculus
Seattle WA