Ambiguos Types
Simon Peyton-Jones
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 04:46:18 -0700
| 1- When I load the following module:
| module Foo() where
| default (Float)
| into ghci. 2+3 gives (5::Integer). Should it not give=20
| (5.0::Float). Hugs does.
Good point: it should. This is really a bug.=20
| 2. class Op a where
| (%+) :: a -> a -> a
| instance Op Integer where
| (%+) =3D (+)
| with the above code: (2 %+ 3) should be resolved to=20
| Integer type. Could anybody explain why it should not.
Defaulting only appplies for standard classes (check out
the Report). =20