Empty Datatypes in GHC 5?

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj@microsoft.com
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 04:36:34 -0700

There isn't such an option at the moment, but it would
be simple to add and I've often thoght of doing so.
I'm going to be on the train tonight, so you never know...


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Ashley Yakeley [mailto:ashley@semantic.org]=20
| Sent: 08 June 2001 01:14
| To: GHC List
| Subject: Empty Datatypes in GHC 5?
| I just joined this list after finally obtaining an i386=20
| machine primarily=20
| for the purpose of running GHC (I ssh/ftp to it from my Mac).
| A quick question: is there an option to allow empty datatypes in GHC=20
| 5.00? I couldn't see one in the manual. They are useful for type=20
| parameterisation, for instance:
|  data Zero;
|  data Succ n;
| Unfortunately this is contrary to the Haskell Report.=20
| Nevertheless, Hugs=20
| allows it. But GHC, apparently, does not.
| --=20
| Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA
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