GHC Alpha port?
Ken Shan
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 20:47:00 -0400
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On 2001-07-05T10:34:27+0100, Simon Marlow wrote:
> This isn't right: you shouldn't set GhcHcOpts in the first build. In
> the URL you gave, this line was commented out. That's certainly the
> reason for the core dumps.
Ah! Careless me. Thank you.
> In GHC 5.00.2, there's an easier way. For the c1 & c2 builds, you can
> just set
> GhcUnregisterised =3D YES
> in, and you can set $long to empty.
This seems to have worked. By the way, the "old way" (as specified in
the MacOS port readme) does not work with ghc 5 -- I got a seg fault
when running ghc-inplace during the second stage.
> When you get around to bootstrapping on the Alpha, I'll probably need to
> help you some more, because bootstrapping from .hc files is quite tricky
> on 5.00.
I'm there!
The first obstacle I encountered is that PackedString.raw_s seems to
be mangled incorrectly.
PWD =3D /a/lair62/vol/vol0/home/ccshan/u/ghc-port/alpha/hslibs/lang
gcc -x c PackedString.hc -o PackedString.raw_s -S -O -D__GLASGOW_HASK=
ELL__=3D500 -O -I/a/lair62/vol/vol0/home/ccshan/u/ghc-port/alpha/ghc/inclu=
des -I/a/lair62/vol/vol0/home/ccshan/u/ghc-port/alpha/ghc/lib/std/cbits -I/=
a/lair62/vol/vol0/home/ccshan/u/ghc-port/alpha/hslibs/lang/cbits -I/a/lair6=
2/vol/vol0/home/ccshan/u/ghc-port/alpha/hslibs/posix/cbits -I/a/lair62/vol/=
vol0/home/ccshan/u/ghc-port/alpha/hslibs/util/cbits -I/a/lair62/vol/vol0/ho=
me/ccshan/u/ghc-port/alpha/hslibs/text/cbits -I/a/lair62/vol/vol0/home/ccsh=
an/u/ghc-port/alpha/hslibs/hssource/cbits -DNO_REGS -I. `echo | sed 's=
In file included from /a/lair62/vol/vol0/home/ccshan/u/ghc-port/alpha/g=
from PackedString.hc:1:
h:86: warning: call-clobbered register used for global register variable
../../ghc/driver/mangler/ghc-asm PackedString.raw_s PackedString.s=20
gcc -c -o PackedString.o PackedString.s
as0: Error: PackedString.hc, line 6: Conflicting definition of symbol s=
as0: Warning: PackedString.hc, line 6: .ent/.end block never defined th=
e procedure name
.end s7sY_fast4
gmake[1]: *** [PackedString.o] Error 1
rm PackedString.s PackedString.raw_s
gmake: *** [all] Error 1
The intermediate files in question are at
If I assemble PackedString.raw_s directly, the assmbler is happy. If
I comment out the ".file" directive in PackedString.s and assemble it,
I get the more informative line numbers in
as0: Error: PackedString.s, line 12108: Conflicting definition of symbo=
l s7sY_fast4
as0: Warning: PackedString.s, line 12211: .ent/.end block never defined=
the procedure name
The culprit appears to be that lines 11396-11404 in
.align 3
.quad -9187201950435737471
.align 5
.ent s7sY_fast4
.frame $30,0,$26,0
got mangled into lines 12103-12109 in PackedString.s:
.align 3
.quad -9187201950435737471
.ent s7sY_fast4
.frame $30,0,$26,0
When I added ".text" manually between the ".quad" and the ".ent", the
assembler became happy.
=2E.. But is this the right fix? (Do I need to ".align" anything?) If
it is the right fix, perhaps someone more familiar with the mangler
can point me to the right fix in ghc-asm.lprl?
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"There isn't anyone out there who isn't Seymour's fat lady."
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