Dependency Generation

Steinitz, Dominic J
07 Aug 2001 08:14:54 Z

I'm getting the following error using the instructions in Dependency

[dominic@r341-02 webldap]$ make depend
ghc -M -cpp Add.hs EnvPassed.hs ParseError.hs Search.hs ASNv1.hs Counter.hs GetO
pt.hs ParseExpr.hs StdTokenDef.hs Basev1.hs DecodeAll.hs Hello.hs ParseLib.hs Ta
gsv1.hs CGI.hs Decode.hs HTML.hs Parser.hs TokenDef.hs CGISystem.hs Delete.hs HT
MLWizard.hs ParseToken.hs UrlEncoded.hs Classv1.hs DoAdd.hs ldapHTML.hs Pretty.h
s WebSite.hs CL.hs DoDelete.hs LdapTypesv2.hs QL.hs X690Utilsv2.hs Client2.hs Do
Modify.hs Mime.hs query.hs client.hs DoSearch.hs Modify.hs Request.hs Client.hs
Env.hs oldDecodeAll.hs Response.hs
Basev1.hs: can't find one of the following: `Word.hi' `Word.hs' `Word.lhs'
make: *** [depend] Error 1
[dominic@r341-02 webldap]$                                                     

Here's the relevant bit of the makefile.

        ghc -M $(HC_OPTS) $(SRCS)

SRCS = Add.hs EnvPassed.hs ParseError.hs Search.hs\
       ASNv1.hs Counter.hs GetOpt.hs ParseExpr.hs StdTokenDef.hs\
       Basev1.hs DecodeAll.hs Hello.hs ParseLib.hs Tagsv1.hs\
       CGI.hs Decode.hs HTML.hs Parser.hs TokenDef.hs\
       CGISystem.hs Delete.hs HTMLWizard.hs ParseToken.hs UrlEncoded.hs\
       Classv1.hs DoAdd.hs ldapHTML.hs Pretty.hs WebSite.hs\
       CL.hs DoDelete.hs LdapTypesv2.hs QL.hs X690Utilsv2.hs\
       Client2.hs DoModify.hs Mime.hs query.hs\
       client.hs DoSearch.hs Modify.hs Request.hs\
       Client.hs Env.hs oldDecodeAll.hs Response.hs

HC_OPTS= -cpp                                                                  

and here are the imports in Basev1.hs

import Int
import Char
import Bits
import Word
import Tagsv1                                                                

It's not clear from the documentation what I should add to stop ghc -M trying to find
Word. I tried -exclude-module=Word.hs but got the following

[dominic@r341-02 webldap]$ make depend
ghc -M -cpp -exclude-module=Word.hs Add.hs EnvPassed.hs ParseError.hs Search.hs
ASNv1.hs Counter.hs GetOpt.hs ParseExpr.hs StdTokenDef.hs Basev1.hs DecodeAll.hs
 Hello.hs ParseLib.hs Tagsv1.hs CGI.hs Decode.hs HTML.hs Parser.hs TokenDef.hs C
GISystem.hs Delete.hs HTMLWizard.hs ParseToken.hs UrlEncoded.hs Classv1.hs DoAdd
.hs ldapHTML.hs Pretty.hs WebSite.hs CL.hs DoDelete.hs LdapTypesv2.hs QL.hs X690
Utilsv2.hs Client2.hs DoModify.hs Mime.hs query.hs client.hs DoSearch.hs Modify.
hs Request.hs Client.hs Env.hs oldDecodeAll.hs Response.hs
ghc-5.00.2: unrecognised flag: -exclude-module=Word.hs
Usage: For basic information, try the `--help' option.
make: *** [depend] Error 1
[dominic@r341-02 webldap]$                                                    

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