[ghc-steering-committee] GHC2024 voting

Chris Dornan chris at chrisdornan.com
Fri Jan 5 10:15:44 UTC 2024

Here is my vote:

* [x] DataKinds
* [ ] DefaultSignatures
* [x] DerivingStrategies
* [x] DisambiguateRecordFields
* [x] ExplicitNamespaces
* [x] GADTs with MonoLocalBinds
* [ ] GADTs without MonoLocalBinds
* [x] LambdaCase
* [x] RoleAnnotations
* [ ] TypeData
* [ ] TypeFamilies
* [ ] BlockArguments

Rationale: I am conservative when it comes to these things and worry about rolling out too much too quickly on our shared understanding of Haskell. This set strikes the right balance for me.


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