[ghc-steering-committee] GHC steering committee status

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Wed Sep 13 09:42:26 UTC 2023


it’s good to keep refining the process! I guess there are actually two
main points in Simon’s mail, and the introduction of a voting sheet is
maybe the less significant; the more important one being that our
process tailored around “silence is assent” does not not work well

As much as I like the efficiency of that, compared to proper voting, it
only works if we have confidence that every proposal and shepherd
recommendation is still read carefully enough by enough committee
members – and that confidence is lacking.

So gaining a bit more transparency into this, for example via the
spreadsheet, is a good thing. So let’s try that.

There might be more refinements and innovations to our committee
process that would be possible. For example, it would be really great
if someone™ would automate what can be automated, i.e. write something
that uses the Github API to list the statuses, maybe send out reminder
messages/emails, maybe have a web page for voting etc. Or, thinking
non-technically, a more reliable status update frequency and more
aggressive nudging by the secretary.

That said, I find that I don’t have the motivation to do that, and
while I am content to keep doing the mechanic parts of being secretary,
it would probably be good if someone with fresh energy and ideas would
take over the driver’s seat here. So if you have always thought you’d
really like to play this role (or there is someone else you’d want to
try to talk into), don’t hesitate!


Joachim Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de

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