[ghc-steering-committee] GHC2024 voting

Vladislav Zavialov vlad.z.4096 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 18:02:56 UTC 2023

* [ ] DataKinds
* [ ] DefaultSignatures
* [x] DerivingStrategies
* [x] DisambiguateRecordFields
* [ ] ExplicitNamespaces
* [x] GADTs with MonoLocalBinds
* [x] GADTs without MonoLocalBinds
* [x] LambdaCase
* [ ] RoleAnnotations
* [ ] TypeData
* [ ] TypeFamilies
* [x] BlockArguments


On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 6:54 PM Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>

> Dear Committee,
> there isn't much discussion, but maybe a silent consensus that we
> should go ahead with this?
> So please cast your vote about each of the following extensions; simply
> by replying to this email and putting an x next to those extensions you
> think should be part of GHC2024.
> * [ ] DataKinds
> * [ ] DefaultSignatures
> * [ ] DerivingStrategies
> * [ ] DisambiguateRecordFields
> * [ ] ExplicitNamespaces
> * [ ] GADTs with MonoLocalBinds
> * [ ] GADTs without MonoLocalBinds
> * [ ] LambdaCase
> * [ ] RoleAnnotations
> * [ ] TypeData
> * [ ] TypeFamilies
> * [ ] BlockArguments
> As per the process (#372) the quorum for inclusion is  _7 votes_ out of
> the 10 current committee members. So it takes only four “no”s to block
> an extension.
> I’m putting GADTs in two both variants on the ballot.
> If “GADTs with MonoLocalBinds” makes it in, then its in, and only if
> not we look at “GADTs without MonoLocalBinds”.
> So it may make sense to vote in favor of both.
> Ballot boxes are upen until Jan 8th, but it is probably better for
> everyone if votes are casted sooner. Maybe we can do it within a week?
> Thanks,
> Joachim
> --
> Joachim Breitner
>   mail at joachim-breitner.de
>   http://www.joachim-breitner.de/
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