[ghc-steering-committee] GHC2024 voting

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Fri Dec 8 17:54:30 UTC 2023

Dear Committee,

there isn't much discussion, but maybe a silent consensus that we
should go ahead with this?

So please cast your vote about each of the following extensions; simply
by replying to this email and putting an x next to those extensions you
think should be part of GHC2024.

* [ ] DataKinds
* [ ] DefaultSignatures
* [ ] DerivingStrategies
* [ ] DisambiguateRecordFields
* [ ] ExplicitNamespaces
* [ ] GADTs with MonoLocalBinds
* [ ] GADTs without MonoLocalBinds 
* [ ] LambdaCase
* [ ] RoleAnnotations
* [ ] TypeData
* [ ] TypeFamilies
* [ ] BlockArguments

As per the process (#372) the quorum for inclusion is  _7 votes_ out of
the 10 current committee members. So it takes only four “no”s to block
an extension.

I’m putting GADTs in two both variants on the ballot.
If “GADTs with MonoLocalBinds” makes it in, then its in, and only if
not we look at “GADTs without MonoLocalBinds”.
So it may make sense to vote in favor of both.

Ballot boxes are upen until Jan 8th, but it is probably better for
everyone if votes are casted sooner. Maybe we can do it within a week?


Joachim Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de

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