[ghc-steering-committee] Please review "Visible 'forall' in types of terms" #281

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Sat Nov 21 09:10:30 UTC 2020

Dear Committee,

Iavor suggested to reject this proposal, but we have not heard a lot
here yet. Especially before rejecting proposals, we probably owe a
careful analysis, possibly with suggestions of ways forward (splitting
the proposal into smaller pieces maybe? Iavor says there are many
changes there).

If we have continued silence, we’d reject.


Am Mittwoch, den 11.11.2020, 13:41 -0800 schrieb Iavor Diatchki:
> Hello,
> Proposal #281 has been submitted for review by the committee again, please read through it and let's have a discussion.   Here are links to the proposal's discussion section, and the proposal text:
> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/281
> https://github.com/int-index/ghc-proposals/blob/visible-forall/proposals/0000-visible-forall.rst
> While I suggested acceptance on the previous version, I am leaning towards rejecting the proposal  now.  My reasoning is that I hadn't fully understood all the aspects of the original proposal, and the new proposal seems to lack a simple modular specification.  There are *many* changes described in the document,  but I found it hard to understand what is the current design, from the point of view of a user of the feature, as opposed to someone trying to implement it.
> I'd be curious about what others think.
> -Iavor
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Joachim Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de

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