[ghc-steering-committee] GHC steering committee participation
Simon Peyton Jones
simonpj at microsoft.com
Wed Feb 8 12:37:17 UTC 2017
Simon and I discussed this, and while we see merit in Joachim's point, we're happy to just replacing Adze with Roman forthwith, for the reasons Manual sets out below.
Life is short -- we should concentrate on progressing proposals rather than more nomination cycles. There'll be time for that later!
OK? Let's just go for it.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-steering-committee [mailto:ghc-steering-committee-
| bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Manuel M T Chakravarty
| Sent: 04 February 2017 02:33
| To: Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
| Cc: ghc-steering-committee at haskell.org
| Subject: Re: [ghc-steering-committee] GHC steering committee participation
| Usually, I would agree with what you are writing. However, this is a special
| situation as Atze never actually started to participate as a member of this
| committee. The situation is the same as when he had declined Simon and
| Simon’s original request. In that case, Simon and Simon would just have
| picked somebody else. Hence, if both Simons are in favour of replacing Atze
| by Roman, I think, we should just do this and, if they want to pick somebody
| else, the same applies.
| Personally, I would love to have somebody from SC involved as they are one
| of the biggest commercial users of Haskell. That is a very valuable
| perspective to tap into.
| Manuel
| > Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>:
| >
| > Hi Committee,
| >
| > it is very thoughtful of Atze to suggest a replacement as he steps
| > down, and I have no reasons to doubt Roman’s qualification. But given
| > that one purpose of instantiating the committee is to make governance
| > a bit more transparent, I think it would be nice to publicly announce
| > that we have a spot to fill and solicit nominations.
| >
| > We can mention that we try to maintain our existing nice balance
| > between academics, industry users etc, and surely selecting Roman is a
| > possible, maybe likely, outcome. Nevertheless it would not hurt doing
| > so publicly.
| >
| > Although it would look better if we actually accepted some proposal
| > first, to show that the committee is doing more than just filling
| > seats
| > :-)
| >
| > We had no objections to Simon’s suggestion to adopt
| >
| > - Update levity polymorphism
| > - Constraint vs type
| >
| > so I take that as “the committee agrees”. Ben, as the committee’s de-
| > facto secretary, would you merge and label these proposals?
| >
| > Greetings,
| > Joachim
| >
| > --
| > --
| > Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
| > mail at joachim-breitner.de •
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| > nomeata at debian.org_______________________________________________
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