[ghc-9.10-rc] foldl' ambiguities in several packages

Shayne Fletcher shayne.fletcher.50 at gmail.com
Fri May 10 12:33:01 UTC 2024

using the ghc-9.10 release candidate, at least all of text-short,
unordered-containers and vector-stream fail to compile with ambiguities
around the export of symbol `foldl'`. example:
unordered-containers> [1 of 8] Compiling Data.HashMap.Internal.Array
error: [GHC-87543]

unordered-containers>     Ambiguous occurrence ‘foldl'’.
unordered-containers>     It could refer to
unordered-containers>        either ‘Prelude.foldl'’,
unordered-containers>               imported from ‘Prelude’ at
unordered-containers>               (and originally defined in
unordered-containers>            or ‘Data.HashMap.Internal.Array.foldl'’,
unordered-containers>               defined at
unordered-containers>    |
unordered-containers> 66 |     , foldl'
unordered-containers>    |       ^^^^^^
so far i've found all such errors can be overcome by qualification at the
export site but is this expected?

Shayne Fletcher
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