TTG and annotations

Alan & Kim Zimmerman alan.zimm at
Wed Jun 19 18:32:54 UTC 2024

Hi Simon

The perennial problem.

I was intending to tackle this before my talk at ZuriHac, but the last
minute things for the 9.10.1 release chewed up all my time.
I think it has got to a point now where I hope it can be explained
meaningfully, and intend to tackle it, once I finish updating the
ghc-exactprint consumers for GHC 9.10.1.


On Tue, 18 Jun 2024 at 16:43, Simon Peyton Jones <
simon.peytonjones at> wrote:

> Hi Alan
> I know that you are continuing to work hard on annotations in the TTG
> extension fields -- thank you.
> As you know, I'm very eager to get a big Note to explain how it all
> works.  At the moment I am completely lost, and I am reduced to
> cargo-culting code by copy/pasting and hoping for the best.  Plus we are
> over-reliant on you, which isn't really fair on you.
> Several of us (including me and Rodrigo, and doubtless other ghc-devs,
> cc'd) would be happy to review, edit, and improve -- but it is hard for us
> to see the "big picture".
> Could you see your way to drafting something? It need not be that long
> initially, but having *something* to ask questions about and improve would
> be super helpful.
> I suggest drafting it in a Google doc so it was easy to edit, and for
> others to contribute to, but ultimately it should be in the repo.
> Thanks!
> Simon
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