questions about head.hackage

Teofil Camarasu teofilcamarasu at
Tue Jul 23 07:06:40 UTC 2024

Hi Jappie,

There is a GHC grafana with some statistics. Unfortunately the relevant
dashboards seem to be broken at present. Hopefully someone on this list
could fix it.

There's also,
which is for residency information, but looking at the filters suggests
that the peak amount of packages is around 900.


On Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 4:29 AM Andrea Bedini <andrea at>

> On Tue, 23 Jul 2024, at 7:38 AM, jappie klooster wrote:
> > For the stability working group I'm trying to understand how many
> > packages head.hackage allows you to build.
> > Does anyone know the answer to this or have an idea how I can find out?
> I don't have the numbers you are looking for but one data-point is that
> cabal-install itself (which has a reasonable number of dependencies)
> typically does not compile with a freshly released GHC. This forces to
> temporarily add head.hackage in CI when a new GHC releases.
> IMHO, using head.hackage to test a source-distribution defeats the
> purposes of testing. We cannot (and should not) assume those building
> cabal's source distribution(s) are using it, and therefore `cabal install
> cabal-install` will end up succeeding in our CI and failing for everybody
> else.
> My 2c,
> Andrea
> --
> Andrea Bedini
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