Wildcards in type synonyms
ÉRDI Gergő
gergo at erdi.hu
Thu Jul 28 05:53:21 UTC 2022
(TL;DR: `newMetaTyVarX` gives me type metavars that behave weirdly and I
don't understand why. What shoudl I use instead?)
OK so I have two half-done implementations now:
* Doing `HsType`-level substitution in the middle of `tc_infer_hs_type`
(see my exchange with Richard on why this needs to happen in
`tc_infer_hs_type` instead of `rnHsTyKi`)
* Doing Core `Type`-level substitution in the middle of `tc_infer_hs_type`
The advantage of the first one is that it works :) The disadvantage is
that it involves storing a `HsType` in a `TyCon`, which in turn means
making it work inter-module will require an `Iface` representation for
Hence the second attempt. I think that would be a more principled solution
anyway. This approach is based on typechecking the macro's right-hand side
into a core `Type`, and storing that, and the list of wildcard-originating
`TyVar`s, in the `TyCon`. At every occurrence site, I take this core
`Type` and apply a substitution on it that is the composition of the
following two:
* A substitution from macro type synonym type parameters to the type
* An instantiation of each wildcard variable into a fresh metavariable
Unfortunately, it is this second step that is tripping me up. If I use
`newMetaTyVarX` to make these "refreshing" metavars, then while the
substitution looks OK when eyeballing it, the resulting
*type* metavariables seem to be handled by GHC as if they were *kind*
Here's an example. The source input is:
{-# LANGUAGE NoPolyKinds, NoStarIsType #-} -- Makes it easier to see how it goes wrong
data MyData a b c = MkMyData a b c
type MySyn a = MyData a _ Int
f1 :: MyData a b c -> b
f1 (MkMyData _ x _) = x
f2 :: MySyn a -> Double
f2 = f1
I start with the following "macro type template" (using `-dppr-debug` format):
TySynWildcard.MyData{tc r3}
(a{tv auq} Nothing [sk:1] :: GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q})
((w_awX{tv} Nothing [tau:0] :: (k_awW{tv} Nothing [tau:0] :: GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q}))
|> {(co_awY{v} Just 'GHC.Types.Many{(w) d 65I} [lid[CoVarId]] :: GHC.Prim.~#{(w) tc 31I}
GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q}
GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q}
(k_awW{tv} Nothing [tau:0] :: GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q})
GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q})})
GHC.Types.Int{(w) tc 3u}
The substitution applied:
In scope: InScope {a{tv auu} k_awW{tv} w_axc{tv}}
Type env: [auq :-> (a{tv auu} Nothing [sk:2] :: (k_ax9{tv} Nothing [tau:2] :: GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q})),
awX :-> (w_axc{tv} Nothing [tau:2] :: (k_awW{tv} Nothing [tau:0] :: GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q}))]
Co env: []]
Note that the second type substitution, (w_awX :: k_awW) :-> (w_axc :: k_awW) is the
one that should take care of instantiating the wildcard metavariable. And
the result of applying this substitution still looks OK:
TySynWildcard.MyData{tc r3}
(a{tv auu} Nothing [sk:2] :: (k_ax9{tv} Nothing [tau:2] :: GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q}))
((w_axc{tv} Nothing [tau:2] :: (k_awW{tv} Nothing [tau:0] :: GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q}))
|> {(co_awY{v} Just 'GHC.Types.Many{(w) d 65I} [lid[CoVarId]] :: GHC.Prim.~#{(w) tc 31I}
GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q}
GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q}
(k_awW{tv} Nothing [tau:0] :: GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q})
GHC.Types.Type{(w) tc 32Q})})
GHC.Types.Int{(w) tc 3u}
But soon after, typechecking fails:
• Couldn't match type ‘Type’ with ‘Double’
Expected: MyData a Type Int -> Double
Actual: MyData a Type Int -> Type
• In the expression: f1
In an equation for ‘f2’: f2 = f1
So this is weird. Instead of unification solving `w_axc ~ Double`, it
seems `w_axc` is left unrestricted, and then `NoPolyKinds` picks it up as
a kind variable (why?) and defaults it to `Type`.
As an experiment, I have also tried *not* refreshing `w_awX`, only
substituting in the type arguments. Now, of course, this can't possibly
work as soon as I have more than one occurrence of `MySyn` due to the
interference between the wildcard metavars, but if I only have one, then
the program typechecks. So to me this suggests I'm doing things mostly
right, except that the metavar returned by `newMetaTyVarX` is not fit for
my use case.
What should I use instead of `newMetaTyVarX` to instantiate / "refresh"
the (wildcard-originating) type metavariables in my "macro type template"?
On Mon, 25 Jul 2022, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> I'm afraid I don't understand, but it sounds delicate. By all means try!
> Simon
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2022 at 11:04, ÉRDI Gergő <gergo at erdi.hu> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2022, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> > Do we have an existing way of substituting types over type
> variables, *in
> > HsType instead of Core Type*?
> >
> >
> > I'm afraid not. Currently HsType is not processed much -- just renamed
> and typechecked
> > into a Type.
> I wonder if, instead, I could expand the rhs, typecheck it "abstractly"
> (i.e. in the context of the synonym's binders), and THEN do the
> substitution. If I typecheck the rhs for every occurrence, I should get
> fresh metavars for each wildcard, which is pretty much what I want. I just
> have to make sure I don't zonk before the substitution.
> Does this make sense?
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