Deprecating Safe Haskell, or heavily investing in it?

Hécate hecate at
Tue Dec 27 17:09:59 UTC 2022

Hi everyone, and happy holidays.

I am looking into whether or not Safe Haskell is still worth maintaining.

Currently there are two sides on which Safe Haskell hurts us:

1. GHC Development
2. Library development

For point n°1: You can easily take the measure of what Safe Haskell 
raises in GHC as of today by visiting the bug tracker¹ and see that for 
example Unboxed Types cannot be used because their home modules 
(GHC.Prim and GHC.Types) are marked as Unsafe. Moreover, interactions 
between GHC2021 and Safe make the latter quite unpleasant to work with².

Regarding point n°2: Safe Haskell is badly integrated within our 
existing frameworks for API compatibility. Neither the PVP nor the 
extension's documentation mention compatibility, or define what stance 
we should take. Thus we are bound to fight on the letter versus the 
spirit of the PVP (which is not an unreasonable debate since there is no 
formalism anywhere). This provokes debates without clear resolution 
beyond "Friend don't let friends use {-# Safe #-}"³

Now I am not saying that Safe Haskell does not bring any kind of good 
idea, far from it.

However there are two things that live inside Safe Haskell that would 
benefit from being separated:

1. Strict type-safety

2. Restricted IO

A lot of the public use-cases of Safe Haskell seem to be on the 
"Restricted IO", such as Lambdabot and other code evaluators out there.

It's a fairly reasonable feature, I'd even say it's something that we 
should be publicising more when speaking about GHC's more advanced  
features. However, "Strict type-safety" seems to be the root of many 
problems that we encounter downstream. A lot of it stems from 
GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving being marked as unsafe (under point 1), which 
is fair enough, but we've had DerivingVia not marked as Safe until May 
2021, which reveals a big problem: Options have to be marked as 
forbidden under Safe to be caught, which leaves a lot of work to the 
human factor of GHC development.

Now, there are two options (convenient!) that are left to us:

1. Deprecate Safe Haskell: We remove the Safe mechanism as it exists 
today, and keep the IO restriction under another name. This will 
certainly cause much joy amongst maintainers and GHC developers alike. 
The downside is that we don't have a mechanism to enforce "Strict 
type-safety" anymore.

2. We heavily invest in Safe Haskell: This is the option where we amend 
the PVP to take changes of Safety annotations into account, invest in 
workforce to fix the bugs on the GHC side. Which means we also invest in 
the tools that check for PVP compatibility to check for Safety. This is 
not the matter of a GSoC, or a 2-days hackathon, and I would certainly 
have remorse sending students to the salt mines like that.

I do not list the Status Quo as an option because it is terrible and has 
led us to regularly have complaints from both GHC & Ecosystem libraries 
maintainers. There can be no half-measures that they usually tend to 
make us slide back into the status quo.

So, what do you think?




Hécate ✨
🐦: @TechnoEmpress
IRC: Hecate

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