advice on minor cleanups?

Ben Gamari ben at
Mon Nov 8 18:53:19 UTC 2021

Norman Ramsey <nr at> writes:

> All,
> It appears that `runHscBackendPhase` returns a tuple that include an
> element of type `Maybe Linkable` but that in practice is always
> `Nothing`.  I'm thinking of removing this element from the tuple,
> which would also entail simplifying the type of value constructor
> `T_HscBackend` for the `TPhase` type.  Simplifying the code seems like
> a good thing, but perhaps there is a reason to leave well enough
> alone?  Please advise me.
Hi Norman,

In cases like this I generally just try to push the change through, open
a merge request, and note my uncertainty in the merge request
description, and let review and CI sort it out.


- Ben

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