GHC Logo

Bardur Arantsson spam at
Wed Sep 2 16:23:48 UTC 2020

On 02/09/2020 00.36, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
> Late to the party here, but I'm wondering whether we can enlist someone with graphic design experience to create a more iconic logo for the compiler. I use the word "iconic" deliberately: it should both be recognizable, and in the shape of an icon (that is, more square). The Haskell logo does this wonderfully, but I think Ben's proposal just appends GHC to that.
> My own preference would be to retain a connection with the Haskell logo (as Ben's submission does), but that needn't be a hard requirement.

(Apologies, Richard, for the double-send. Screwed up the to-all thing.)

Is there no animal which could reasonably be "overlaid" on the logo? I'm
thinking the `` bit would be horns or ears and the // would be legs...
Not sure what the = would be... maybe front legs/arms?

Afraid I cannot draw anything, but I did a *horrific* "rest of the owl"
type thing here:


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