Trac to GitLab migration underway
Simon Peyton Jones
simonpj at
Mon Mar 11 10:14:04 UTC 2019
| > * Back on the tickets front, how do I record the test cases(s) for a
| ticket?
| I don't believe there is a way other than via the commit referencing the
| ticket.
That's sad. It's a useful discipline to fill in that field before closing the ticket. And it's useful later when looking for the test cases for the ticket.
Is this just a straight loss, or is there a longer term plan to recover it? Do we need a self-imposed discipline, e.g. to ALWAYS add a comment that lists the test cases (and does nothing else) before closing an issue?
| > * How do I record the MR for a ticket? (When it has one.)
| When you mention a ticket in a MR then a reference should be created from
| it to the ticket.
| For example, when I mentioned !509 on this ticket it now displays in the
| UI.
I don't get it. You manually added "Corresponding MR !509" to the issue Description. Or are you saying that that apparently-user-written line was added by GitLab? If you have many MRs taht mention (perhaps en passant) the same issue, will there be many such lines?
Or is it another discipline we could impose on ourselves?
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Matthew Pickering <matthewtpickering at>
| Sent: 11 March 2019 09:37
| To: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>
| Cc: Ben Gamari <ben at>; GHC developers <ghc-devs at>
| Subject: Re: Trac to GitLab migration underway
| > * That the old ticket repo be put in read-only mode. I've just modified
| the old #16344, but I should have modified the new one.
| That is tracked
| migration%2Fissues%2F14&
| d50797a44abf82008d6a6053319%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C6
| 36878938597242017&sdata=XnY%2Fo62mCkz849XKLKe8V3stFe8sorBQkqI9%2FY%2By
| CdI%3D&reserved=0
| It seems that there are still some problems to iron out though.
| > * Back on the tickets front, how do I record the test cases(s) for a
| ticket?
| I don't believe there is a way other than via the commit referencing the
| ticket.
| >
| > * How do I record the MR for a ticket? (When it has one.)
| When you mention a ticket in a MR then a reference should be created from
| it to the ticket.
| For example, when I mentioned !509 on this ticket it now displays in the
| UI.
| db47%7C1%7C0%7C636878938597242017&sdata=s5%2FfsXsx5t%2FuRIeq6AJZU5sr8P
| FJpNt6nkr%2BObzRAmk%3D&reserved=0
| >
| > * That the banner (on the wiki at least) saying "This site has been
| deprecated and is in read-only mode" should describe how to get to the
| corresponding URL on the new wiki. Eg. say "If you are trying to access
| 7Cac356d50797a44abf82008d6a6053319%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%
| 7C0%7C636878938597242017&sdata=vq0ZCkxOmaQp4vB3WPzc%2BovCn1oSSak5K6CYM
| 1UyIq4%3D&reserved=0<page>, the new URL is
| "
| com%7Cac356d50797a44abf82008d6a6053319%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%
| 7C1%7C0%7C636878938597242017&sdata=ZbZf%2BlVa1rqrngh82QrJAIRmDFaGMp0Gb
| BUo5ABhqVo%3D&reserved=0<page>".
| >
| > * Where has
| 7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636878938597242017&sdata=xkERHLEyWh8yWLxRS2GUZ4iu
| Yk0DjFBxuKFkQbnyUeI%3D&reserved=0 gone? The corresponding URL on the
| new wiki doesn't exist.
| The page is now located at:
| simon&
| 6a6053319%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636878938597242017&
| amp;sdata=X%2BOPbJn4zTiGNkH%2Ba5TVoge6dxZmGw0WSxrnxEpk0og%3D&reserved=
| 0
| >
| > * How can I list the title index on the new wiki?
| An automatically generated index is available here
| b47%7C1%7C0%7C636878938597242017&sdata=BZ337ak7obJlIGW4GK5R4FOl1uCCH2T
| D4DGorbNyz28%3D&reserved=0
| I believe the intention is to automatically update this with a cronjob.
| >
| > * I have lots of pages like this one
| errors&
| d6a6053319%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636878938597242017
| &sdata=sueCHGV9aE36gaIqUgxBq1VZl4zOKhCYDOWwsnSgAss%3D&reserved=0
| that list the tickets relevant to a particular keyword. (Now "label" I
| think?) But tat page is now lying: it claims to list current open
| tickets, but actually it's a frozen snapshot. What should I do?
| Gitlab Wiki does not support this feature so you have to refer to a custom
| search.
| For example:
| ;
| %7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636878938597242017&sdata
| =DM%2B9ZPFxUhJW%2B2EokkOJzXF6Ca6PlSgQf1TGsCt36Wc%3D&reserved=0
| However, it seems that the `CustomTypeErrors` label was lost during the
| migration. Do you know why this is Tobias/Ben? It looks like it will have
| to be added back manually.
| >
| > Thanks
| >
| > Simon
| >
| > | I'm happy to announce that the ticket and issue import processes
| > | are now complete and is back online. There are
| > | still a few final steps remaining which I will be carrying out over
| > | the next few
| > | days:
| > |
| > | * Put in place redirect logic for Trac ticket and Wiki URLs
| > |
| > | * Add issue comments showing commit messages, replicating the
| previous
| > | Trac behavior
| > |
| > | * Migrate the GHC Blog entries
| > |
| > | * Make the old Trac instance again accessible in read-only mode
| > |
| > | However, while I do this you should feel free to use
| > | freely.
| > | If you notice any issues with the import feel free to open a ticket
| > | here [1].
| > |
| > | Cheers,
| > |
| > | - Ben
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | [1]
| > |
| > |
| > | tlab.h
| > |
| > |
| > | migration%2Fissues&
| > | 7f7334
| > |
| > | c04a54549508d6a5a0cb40%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C
| > | 636878
| > |
| > | 507364801779&sdata=DIxKgZy%2B%2BTYq0P%2BEkrxjefMQqUf43ObXi9CLOGo
| > | 0sk4%3
| > | D&reserved=0
| > _______________________________________________
| > ghc-devs mailing list
| > ghc-devs at
| >
| >
| >
| > bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636878938597242017&sdata=V5Xq
| > iP3b87PRpJvS5KSxyM6qkpSnM3KMDtrIhdQhwB0%3D&reserved=0
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