[ANNOUNCE] Glasgow Haskell Compiler 8.10.1-alpha2 released

Takenobu Tani takenobu.hs at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 12:23:33 UTC 2019

Thanks for the release.

Will deb9-linux binary be released in the future?
Or deb10-linux version only?

Perhaps ubuntu18.04LTS users need deb9-linux binary.


On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 3:28 AM Ben Gamari <ben at well-typed.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> The GHC team is happy to announce the availability of the first alpha
> release in the GHC 8.10 series. Source and binary distributions are
> available at the usual place:
>     https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/8.10.1-alpha2/
> GHC 8.10.1 will bring a number of new features including:
>  * The new UnliftedNewtypes extension allowing newtypes around unlifted
>    types.
>  * The new StandaloneKindSignatures extension allows users to give
>    top-level kind signatures to type, type family, and class
>    declarations.
>  * A new warning, -Wderiving-defaults, to draw attention to ambiguous
>    deriving clauses
>  * A number of improvements in code generation, including changes
>  * A new GHCi command, :instances, for listing the class instances
>    available for a type.
>  * An upgraded Windows toolchain lifting the MAX_PATH limitation
>  * A new, low-latency garbage collector.
>  * Improved support profiling, including support for sending profiler
>    samples to the eventlog, allowing correlation between the profile and
>    other program events
> This release is the second alpha of the 8.10 pre-release cycle. The
> release will be a release candidate in roughly three weeks. If all goes
> well the final release will be cut roughly two weeks after the
> candidate, in mid-January.
> This being an alpha release, there are a few issues that are still
> outstanding:
>  * The new Alpine Linux binary distribution is not present due to an
>    apparent correctness issue [1]; any help Alpine users can offer here
>    would be greatly appreciated.
>  * We have yet to sort out compliance with Apple's notarization
>    requirements [2] which will be likely be necessary for users of
>    macOS Catalina.
>    However, until this has been sorted out Catalina users can exempt the
>    current macOS binary distribution from the notarization requirement
>    themselves by running `xattr -cr .` on the unpacked tree before
>    running `make install`.
>  * There is one remaining non-regression correctness issue which we plan
>    to fix for the final 8.10.1 but that is not fixed in this release.
> Please do test this release and let us know if you encounter any other
> issues.
> Cheers,
> - Ben
> [1] https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/17508
> [2] https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/17418
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