Performance degradation when factoring out common code

Harendra Kumar harendra.kumar at
Fri Sep 8 09:21:09 UTC 2017


I have this code snippet for the bind implementation of a Monad:

    AsyncT m >>= f = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld ->
        let run x = (runAsyncT x) Nothing stp yld
            yield a _ Nothing  = run $ f a
            yield a _ (Just r) = run $ f a <> (r >>= f)
        in m Nothing stp yield

I want to have multiple versions of this implementation parameterized by a
function, like this:

bindWith k (AsyncT m) f = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld ->
    let run x = (runAsyncT x) Nothing stp yld
        yield a _ Nothing  = run $ f a
        yield a _ (Just r) = run $ f a `k` (bindWith k r f)
    in m Nothing stp yield

And then the bind function becomes:

(>>=) = bindWith (<>)
But this leads to a performance degradation of more than 10%. inlining does
not help, I tried INLINE pragma as well as the "inline" GHC builtin. I
thought this should be a more or less straightforward replacement making
the second version equivalent to the first one. But apparently there is
something going on here that makes it perform worse.

I did not look at the core, stg or asm yet. Hoping someone can quickly
comment on it. Any ideas why is it so? Can this be worked around somehow?

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