GHC rewrite rule type-checking failure

Conal Elliott conal at
Tue Oct 17 02:47:49 UTC 2017

Thanks for the tips, Simon! I'll first try without extending concrete
syntax (for a BuiltinRule). Regards, - Conal

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 3:54 AM, Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>

> For now, I'm trying to determine whether it possible to use the in-scope
> dictionary variables for constraint solving from a built-in rewrite rule.
> It would not take deep, pervasive changes.
> I suggest that you do /not/ call solveWanteds, but instead make a custom
> constraint solver.  The constraint solver in the type checker is profoundly
> influenced by
>    - The need to discover suitable instantiations for unification
>    variables
>    - The need to generate good error messages
>    - The need for nested implication constraints to handle GADTs, skolem
>    escape checks etc
> The type checker’s monad is full of junk that you don’t need or want in
> this simpler context.  Just look at TcRnTypes.TcGblEnv and TcLclEnv.
> I think you don’t need either of those things here.    I think you
> probably only want type-class constraints, not equalities (which add a
> great deal of complexity).
> You just want to say
>    - I’m trying to solve Eq [a].  Ah I have an instance for that.
>    - I’m trying to solve Eq a.  Ah, I have an in-scope Id with that type.
> In fact, we already have something a bit like this, for ground class
> constraints.  See TcInteract.shortCutSolver, and Note [Shortcut solving] in
> that file.  So it’s not hard.   [Mumble mumble: instance decls with
> variables not bound in the head might be a problem.  But I doubt that’s
> what you want.]
> Other thoughts
>    - To make this work you’d need access to the top-level class instances
>    in rules.  That’s a change but not a difficult one.  The simplifier already
>    carries around the top-level type-family instances, so you could add the
>    class instances in a similar way..
>    - I’m more concerned about how you’d express all this in the concrete
>    syntax of a RULE.  Maybe you don’t need to do that?  It’s all generated
>    thorough the API?
>    - Even if you don’t need concrete syntax, you’d still need abstract
>    syntax, some change to the CoreRule data type.  And I’m not sure what
>    exactly that is.
> I’m unlikely to do all of this myself, but I’m happy advise; but without
> making a prior commitment to incorporating the result in GHC.  We’d have to
> see how it goes.
> Simon
> *From:* conal.elliott at [mailto:conal.elliott at] *On
> Behalf Of *Conal Elliott
> *Sent:* 12 October 2017 20:02
> *To:* Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>
> *Cc:* ghc-devs at
> *Subject:* Re: GHC rewrite rule type-checking failure
> For now, I'm trying to determine whether it possible to use the in-scope
> dictionary variables for constraint solving from a built-in rewrite rule. I
> guess (unsure) my question is how to set up a call to `solveWanteds` to
> take those variables into account when solving a given constraint/predicate.
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Conal Elliott <conal at> wrote:
> Thanks for the helpful reply, Simon!
> > > The new bit here is that `$dC'` is not found via matching in the LHS,
> but
> > > rather by instance resolution from `k`, which does appear explicitly in
> > > the LHS
> > Well this would be something qualitatively new. We don’t that ability in
> > rules; and it’s far from clear to me what it would mean anyway. I suppose
> > that if k was instantiated to a ground type then you might hope to solve
> it,
> > but what if it was instantiated to some in-scope type variable t, and
> some
> > variable of type (C t) was in scope. Should that work too?
> Yes, we'd want to use in-scope dictionary variables to help solve the
> needed
> constraints in the presence of polymorphism. I've run into exactly this
> need
> in my own manually programmed ("built-in") rewrite rules. Would it be
> possible
> to do so (without deep/pervasive changes to GHC)?
> > Happily it sounds as if you are making progress with help from Joachim.
> No, I think Joachim agrees that it's impractical to write all of the needed
> rule specializations, and that generating then programmatically would be
> less
> convenient than the implementing the built-in rules as I do now.
> Cheers, -- Conal
> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 2:08 AM, Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>
> wrote:
> The new bit here is that `$dC'` is not found via matching in the LHS, but
> rather by instance resolution from `k`, which does appear explicitly in the
> Well this would be something qualitatively new.  We don’t that ability in
> rules; and it’s far from clear to me what it would mean anyway.  I suppose
> that if k was instantiated to a ground type then you might hope to solve
> it, but what if it was instantiated to some in-scope type variable t, and
> some variable of type (C t) was in scope.  Should that work too?
> I’m highly dubious.
> Happily it sounds as if you are making progress with help from Joachim.
> Simon
> *From:* conal.elliott at [mailto:conal.elliott at] *On
> Behalf Of *Conal Elliott
> *Sent:* 03 October 2017 16:30
> *To:* Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>
> *Subject:* Re: GHC rewrite rule type-checking failure
> The revised example I gave earlier in the thread:
> ``` haskell
> class C k where comp' :: k b c -> k a b -> k a c
> instance C (->) where comp' = (.)
> -- Late-inlining version to enable rewriting.
> comp :: C k => k b c -> k a b -> k a c
> comp = comp'
> {-# INLINE [0] comp #-}
> morph :: (a -> b) -> k a b
> morph = error "morph: undefined"
> {-# RULES "morph/(.)" forall f g. morph (g `comp` f) = morph g `comp`
> morph f #-}
> -- • Could not deduce (C k) arising from a use of ‘comp’
> --   from the context: C (->)
> --     bound by the RULE "morph/(.)"
> ```
> A hypothetical generated Core rule (tweaked slightly from Joachim's note):
> ``` haskell
> forall (@ k) (@ b) (@ c) (@ a)
>        ($dC :: C (->))
>        (f :: a -> b) (g :: b -> c).
>   morph @ k @ a @ c (comp @ (->) @ b @ c @ a $dC g f)
>   = comp @ k @ b @ c @ a
>       $dC'
>       (morph @ k @ b @ c g)
>       (morph @ k @ a @ b f)
>  where
>    $dC' :: C k
> ```
> The new bit here is that `$dC'` is not found via matching in the LHS, but
> rather by instance resolution from `k`, which does appear explicitly in the
> LHS. If `C k` cannot be solved, the rule fails. The "where" clause here
> lists the dictionary variables to be instantiated by instance resolution
> rather than matching.
> -- Conal
> On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 8:01 AM, Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>
> wrote:
> But synthesising from what?
> And currently no: there is no type-class dictionary synthesis after the
> type checker.  Not impossible I suppose, but one more fragility: a rule
> does not fire because some synthesis thing didn’t happen.    Maybe give an
> as-simple-as-poss example of what you have in mind, now you understand the
> situation better?   With all the type and dictionary abstractions written
> explicitly…
> S
> *From:* conal.elliott at [mailto:conal.elliott at] *On
> Behalf Of *Conal Elliott
> *Sent:* 03 October 2017 15:56
> *To:* Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>
> *Subject:* Re: GHC rewrite rule type-checking failure
> Thanks, Simon. Your explanation make sense to me. Do you think that the
> rewrite rule mechanism could be enhanced to try synthesizing the needed
> dictionaries after LHS matching and before RHS instantiation? I'm doing as
> much now in my compiling-to-categories plugin, but without the convenience
> of using concrete syntax for the rules.
> Regard, - Conal
> On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 12:27 AM, Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>
> wrote:
> *   Is it feasible for GHC to combine the constraints needed LHS and RHS
> to form an applicability condition?
> I don’t think so.
> Remember that a rewrite rule literally rewrites LHS to RHS.  It does not
> conjure up any new dictionaries out of thin air.  In your example, (D k b)
> is needed in the result of the rewrite.  Where can it come from?  Only from
> something matched on the left.
> So GHC treats any dictionaries matched on the left as “givens” and tries
> to solve the ones matched on the left.  If it fails you get the sort of
> error you see.
> One way to see this is to write out the rewrite rule you want, complete
> with all its dictionary arguments. Can you do that?
> Simon
> *From:* Glasgow-haskell-users [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-
> bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Conal Elliott
> *Sent:* 03 October 2017 01:03
> *To:* Joachim Breitner <mail at>
> *Cc:* glasgow-haskell-users at
> *Subject:* Re: GHC rewrite rule type-checking failure
> Thanks very much for the reply, Joachim.
> Oops! I flubbed the example. I really `morph` to distribute over an
> application of `comp`. New code below (and attached). You're right that I
> wouldn't want to restrict the type of `morph`, since each `morph` *rule*
> imposes its own restrictions.
> My questions:
> *   Is it feasible for GHC to combine the constraints needed LHS and RHS
> to form an applicability condition?
> *   Is there any way I can make the needed constraints explicit in my
> rewrite rules?
> *   Are there any other work-arounds that would enable writing such
> RHS-constrained rules?
> Regards, -- Conal
> ``` haskell
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
> -- Demonstrate a type checking failure with rewrite rules
> module RuleFail where
> class C k where comp' :: k b c -> k a b -> k a c
> instance C (->) where comp' = (.)
> -- Late-inlining version to enable rewriting.
> comp :: C k => k b c -> k a b -> k a c
> comp = comp'
> {-# INLINE [0] comp #-}
> morph :: (a -> b) -> k a b
> morph = error "morph: undefined"
> {-# RULES "morph/(.)" forall f g. morph (g `comp` f) = morph g `comp`
> morph f #-}
> -- • Could not deduce (C k) arising from a use of ‘comp’
> --   from the context: C (->)
> --     bound by the RULE "morph/(.)"
> ```
> On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Joachim Breitner <mail at>
> wrote:
> Hi Conal,
> The difference is that the LHS of the first rule is mentions the `C k`
> constraint (probably unintentionally):
> *RuleFail> :t morph comp
> morph comp :: C k => k1 (k b c) (k a b -> k a c)
> but the LHS of the second rule side does not:
> *RuleFail> :t morph addC
> morph addC :: Num b => k (b, b) b
> A work-around is to add the constraint to `morph`:
>     morph :: D k b => (a -> b) -> k a b
>     morph = error "morph: undefined"
>     but I fear that this work-around is not acceptable to you.
>     Joachim
>     Am Montag, den 02.10.2017, 14:25 -0700 schrieb Conal Elliott:
>     > -- Demonstrate a type checking failure with rewrite rules
> >
> > module RuleFail where
> >
> > class C k where comp' :: k b c -> k a b -> k a c
> >
> > instance C (->) where comp' = (.)
> >
> > -- Late-inlining version to enable rewriting.
> > comp :: C k => k b c -> k a b -> k a c
> > comp = comp'
> > {-# INLINE [0] comp #-}
> >
> > morph :: (a -> b) -> k a b
> > morph = error "morph: undefined"
> >
> > {-# RULES "morph/(.)" morph comp = comp #-}  -- Fine
> > class D k a where addC' :: k (a,a) a
> >
> > instance Num a => D (->) a where addC' = uncurry (+)
> >
> > -- Late-inlining version to enable rewriting.
> > addC :: D k a => k (a,a) a
> > addC = addC'
> > {-# INLINE [0] addC #-}
> >
> > {-# RULES "morph/addC" morph addC = addC #-}  -- Fail
> >
> > -- • Could not deduce (D k b) arising from a use of ‘addC’
> > --   from the context: D (->) b
> >
> > -- Why does GHC infer the (C k) constraint for the first rule but not (D
> k b)
> > -- for the second rule?
> >
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> --
> Joachim Breitner
>   mail at
> <>
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