[ANNOUNCE] GHC 8.0.1 source tarball available

Jan Stolarek jan.stolarek at p.lodz.pl
Sat May 14 18:55:57 UTC 2016

I did `pip install alabaster` but keep getting the same error. Unless I need to rebuild everything 
from scratch (in which case I'll probably disable the docs).


Dnia sobota, 14 maja 2016, Ben Gamari napisał:
> Jan Stolarek <jan.stolarek at p.lodz.pl> writes:
> > I am getting a build error under openSUSE 11.4:
> >
> > make -C utils/haddock/doc html SPHINX_BUILD=/usr/bin/sphinx-build
> > /usr/bin/sphinx-build -b html . .build-html
> > Running Sphinx v1.2.3
> > loading translations [en]... done
> > loading pickled environment... not yet created
> >
> > Theme error:
> > no theme named 'alabaster' found (missing theme.conf?)
> > make[2]: *** [html] Error 1
> > make[1]: *** [html_utils/haddock/doc] Error 2
> > make: *** [all] Error 2
> >
> > Any suggestions how to fix it?
> Yes, it seems that the theme that haddock requests was first introduced
> to Sphinx in version 1.3. I have encountered this issue myself as well
> and yesterday pushed a patch vendorizing the alabaster repository to
> ensure that we can build with earlier Sphinx versions. Without this
> patch the workaround is to `pip install alabaster` or disable building
> of Sphinx documentation.
> So, be we yet again have the question of how to deal with this change. I
> really don't know what I want to let Haddock's documentation hold up the
> GHC release any more than it already has. As I indicated earlier, the
> prospect of releasing binaries which weren't derived from the official
> source
> release isn't terribly attractive but may be the best we can do here.
> The alternative would be do release 8.0.1 as-is with some notes in the
> release notes and immediately start preparing an 8.0.2 after its is
> released.
> Thoughts?
> Cheers,
> - Ben


Politechnika Łódzka 
Lodz University of Technology 

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