Phab failing to apply patches

Jan Stolarek jan.stolarek at
Mon Jan 18 17:20:17 UTC 2016

> * you validate locally (in a different build directory, so you can keep
> using build flavour = devel2 in your development directory)
> * fork the ghc github repository, push your branch there, and let Travis
> validate it:
> * ask Austin for some special Phabricator syntax that you could add when
> you submit the patch, to request Harbormaster not to rebase onto HEAD
> before validating
Second option is an acceptable workaround for me, but having the third one would be even better. I 
definitely want to avoid the first one - computing power of my machine is limited.

> Side note: I think we should go back to using Phabricator for finished
> patches only.
What if we could set the default state of upload patch to "planned changes"? This way patches 
would end up in the review queue only when someone explicitly sets them to "Request Review". 
Wouldn't that solve the problem?


Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology

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