Phab failing to apply patches

Thomas Miedema thomasmiedema at
Mon Jan 18 17:09:23 UTC 2016

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 5:49 PM, Jan Stolarek <jan.stolarek at>

> > If you are working from an old base commit, either rebase your patch
> before
> > submitting to Phabricator (painful? you will have to do it before pushing
> > anyway, might as well do it now), or ignore the Harbormaster validate
> > result.
> I am typically working on some non-trivial features (ie. rebases tend to
> be painful). Having
> Harbormaster build results is a useful way of telling whether I broke
> something or not. Even if
> it is for some older commit. Rebases take time and if I know my feature
> will not be finished in
> the next couple of weeks I want to save myself from unnecessary rebasing.
> Why rebase all the time
> if I can do it just once at the end?

There are a few options:

* you validate locally (in a different build directory, so you can keep
using build flavour = devel2 in your development directory)
* fork the ghc github repository, push your branch there, and let Travis
validate it:
* ask Austin for some special Phabricator syntax that you could add when
you submit the patch, to request Harbormaster not to rebase onto HEAD
before validating

Side note: I think we should go back to using Phabricator for finished
patches only. It slows the review process down, when there are 50 patches
in the queue waiting-for-review-but-not-really: Sometimes
it leads to finished patches actually getting ignored for a long time,
because the reviewers still think the author is working on them. But other
might think differently, and maybe it's not a big deal.

> Janek
> ---
> Politechnika Łódzka
> Lodz University of Technology
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