Attempt at a real world benchmark

Moritz Angermann moritz at
Fri Dec 9 09:37:11 UTC 2016

>> Actually, now that I think about it: What about if this were integrated
>> into the Cabal infrastructure? If I specify "upload-perf-numbers: True"
>> in my .cabal file, any project on (e.g.) GitHub that wanted to opt-in
>> could do so, they could build using Travis, and voila!
> Post-shower addendum:
> If we had the right hooks in Cabal we could even also track the
> *runtimes* of all the tests. (Obviously a bit more brittle because one
> expects that adding tests would cause a performance hit, but could still
> be valuable information for the projects themselves to have -- which
> could be a motivating factor for opting in to this scheme.)
> Obviously it would have to be made very easy[1] to compile with GHC HEAD
> on travis for this to have much value for tracking regressions "as they
> happen" and perhaps a "hey-travis-rebuild-project" trigger would have to
> be implemented to get daily/weekly builds even when the project itself
> has no changes.
> We could perhaps also marshal a bit of the Hackage infrastructure
> instead? Anyway, loads of variations on this theme. The key point here
> is that the burden of keeping the "being tested" code working with GHC
> HEAD is on the maintainers of said projects... and they already have
> motivation to do so if they can get early feedback on breakage og
> regressions on compile times and run times.

How would we normalize the results? Different architectures, components,
configurations, and work load during cabal runs could influence the
performance measurements, no?


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