GHC 8.0.1-rc3 source tarball availability

Ben Gamari ben at
Fri Apr 15 22:15:17 UTC 2016

Karel Gardas <karel.gardas at> writes:

> Hi Ben,
> just got back from business trip and attempting to build distros for you 
> I've found that:
> karel at silence:~/Downloads/GHC/8.0.1/rc3$ gpg2 --verify 
> ghc-
> Warning: using insecure memory!
> gpg: Signature made April 11, 2016 03:23:45 AM CEST using RSA key ID 
> 97DB64AD
> gpg: BAD signature from "Benjamin Gamari <ben at>"
It seems that the issue was once again my inability to convince the
content delivery network to fully purge its cache. Thanks for realizing
this issue.

On the bright side, I think I have finally worked out how to reliably
flush the cache so hopefully there will be no further issues of this
tiresome sort.

Unfortunately it's quite unclear what to do about your binary
distribution as it's likely derived from the wrong source tree.
As we will likely have to do a fourth release candidate anyways (due to
the template haskell issue brought up by Iavor today), perhaps it would
be best just to wait until then before sinking any more of your time
into further builds. It likely won't be long before we have another
source tree available although I'll leave the decision to you.


 - Ben
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