New GHC performance dashboard

Edward Z. Yang ezyang at
Sun May 17 21:07:17 UTC 2015

Outstanding work!


Excerpts from Joachim Breitner's message of 2015-05-17 05:19:55 -0700:
> Dear ghc developers,
> last July I set up a performance dashboard for GHC, i.e. a website where
> you can see our performance numbers (nofib results, performance unit
> tests, build time etc.) for each commit. I used the software codespeed¹
> as the backend, but I was dissatisfied with it: I found it was a tad too
> slow, the URLs were hard to share, but – most importantly – it tries to
> be VCS-agnostic, which just doesn’t work well.
> So in January, I wrote a new tool, called gipeda (Git Performance
> Dashboard)². The Haskell part generates static files, which are then
> displayed using JavaScript in the client (using bootstrap and
> handlebars), so it is reasonably fast. And it knows about (some) git
> concepts.
> I was about to announce it in February, but it ran on the same host as
>, which was compromised a few days before the
> announcement. Recently, though, davean of the Admin team
> provided me with the required set (thanks for that!), so here it is:
> It should be relatively self-explanatory. Just note that by default it
> hides boring stuff (commits and results with no significant change), you
> can select what to show in the top-right corner.
> It does roughly what our codespeed setup did before, but I have some
> ideas that go beyond that: Comparison of arbitrary commits, better
> understanding of git branches and tags, aggregation of performance
> results from different hosts, e-mail notification. I hope that I’m not
> the only one who will work on them, and will be happy to receive help.
> The upcoming ZuriHac is a great possibility to join me here.
> There are also lot of ways you can contribute without touching Haskell
> (not that there are many people on this list to whom that matters :-)).
> Gipeda itself is in no way specific to GHC and you can use it for your
> own projects. We can possibly even host the results on
> – just talk to me. Also, see my gipeda
> announcement on haskell-cafe (which I’ll write next).
> Enjoy!
> Joachim
> ¹
> ²

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