Deleting sync-all

Thomas Miedema thomasmiedema at
Tue Jul 21 10:45:14 UTC 2015

Hello ghc-devs,

I would like to delete the file sync-all
<> from the GHC
repository. It should not have been necessary to use it for about a year

To get the sources

   git clone --recursive git://
   cd ghc
   git clone git:// # Windows only

To update an existing tree
   git pull --rebase

   git submodule update --init

To update an existing tree
without the possibility to forget to run `git submodule update --init`:
   git config --global alias.pullall '!f(){ git pull --ff-only "$@" && git
submodule update --init --recursive; }; f' # Run once
   git pullall --rebase

Please speak up if you want those 1000 lines of buggy Perl a.k.a.
sync-all to stay for some reason, or if you have questions about a
certain git submodules workflow.

The source code (./boot no longer suggests it) and the wiki are
already sync-all free, except for a few historical pages.

Discussion period: 1 month.

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