API Annotations question

Jan Stolarek jan.stolarek at p.lodz.pl
Thu Jan 15 13:16:12 UTC 2015

Alan, devs,

since API annotations were added some data types in the source code have extra comments related to 
these annotations, eg.

-- | A type or class declaration.
data TyClDecl name
  = -- | @type/data family T :: *->*@
    --  - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnType',
    --             'ApiAnnotation.AnnData',
    --             'ApiAnnotation.AnnFamily','ApiAnnotation.AnnWhere',
    --             'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen','ApiAnnotation.AnnDcolon',
    --             'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose'
    FamDecl { tcdFam :: FamilyDecl name }

I'm totally clueless about what these comments mean. Where can I find an explanation? Couldn't 
find anything on the wiki.


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