D808 progress report

Ben Gamari ben at well-typed.com
Wed Dec 9 13:56:49 UTC 2015

Ben Gamari <ben at well-typed.com> writes:

> Ben Gamari <ben at well-typed.com> writes:
>> Now since I have a build I'll be turning my attention to some of the
>> performance issues.
> Here is a list of the major (>10% delta) performance regressions
> according to my testsuite run roughly in order of severity,
>     mdo003:     compile never completes
>     ...

My apologies, the test names in this list are entirely incorrect [1].
Let's try again,

    $ make test 2>&1 | tee log
    $ grep Deviation log | sort -t: -nk 2
    Deviation   T9872d(normal) bytes allocated:                  -21.8 %
    Deviation   T1969(normal) bytes allocated:                   7.2 %
    Deviation   T9961(normal) bytes allocated:                   7.3 %
    Deviation   T3294(normal) bytes allocated:                   8.5 %
    Deviation   T5536(normal) bytes allocated:                   8.9 %
    Deviation   T5837(normal) bytes allocated:                   11.1 %
    Deviation   haddock.compiler(normal) bytes allocated:        11.6 %
    Deviation   MethSharing(normal) bytes allocated:             12.5 %
    Deviation   T6048(optasm) bytes allocated:                   12.6 %
    Deviation   haddock.Cabal(normal) bytes allocated:           13.4 %
    Deviation   T5321Fun(normal) bytes allocated:                14.9 %
    Deviation   haddock.base(normal) bytes allocated:            16.6 %
    Deviation   T3064(normal) bytes allocated:                   16.6 %
    Deviation   T9675(optasm) peak_megabytes_allocated:          28.4 %
    Deviation   T9675(optasm) max_bytes_used:                    29.4 %
    Deviation   T5030(normal) bytes allocated:                   39.6 %
    Deviation   T5631(normal) bytes allocated:                   48.0 %
    Deviation   T9872a(normal) bytes allocated:                  48.5 %
    Deviation   T9872b(normal) bytes allocated:                  57.7 %
    Deviation   T9872c(normal) bytes allocated:                  78.1 %
    Deviation   T3738(normal) bytes allocated:                   3479.3 %

Consequently I'm looking at T3738.


- Ben

[1] note to self: don't succumb to the temptation to look at the
    "unexpected failure" line preceding a stat failure for the test
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