Status updates

Austin Seipp austin at
Tue Sep 9 13:34:03 UTC 2014

Hi *,

Here are some status updates:

 - I've merged the Applicative Monad patchset! Yay! Many thanks to
Nathan Howell for helping me out in the end there. Please let me know
if anything explodes horribly (I hope not).

 - Gabor has set up some build documentation for us based on HEAD,
hooray! See here - - I still need to fix to link to this properly (there may be other dead
links, please let me know).

 - As I'm sure most of you were aware, it was a slow week due to ICFP
& related events being most of last week.

 - As I'm also sure you were aware, suffered a lot of
instability this past week. I've been focusing most of my efforts
since about Thursday on this, since it's come and gone a lot and has
needed some consistent monitoring. Unfortunately, it is not done yet,
and there is still more work to be done. :(

 - was migrated to a new server in the US as a part of
this effort this weekend (send a thanks to Herbert). In general, you
should notice nothing really new, but latency for UK citizens may be a
bit higher than it was before now.

 - Now that Applicative/Monad is done, there are some more changes to
'base' that will happen (Bifunctors, Foldable/Traversable) that will
need to happen. So I'm sure this discussion will start soon.

 - I still can't set up the Windows bot yet, sorry! Phabricator work
is still not yet available upstream. Hopefully soon.

 - Sergei spent some time filing bugs that we should fix in the
testsuite, because they fail --slow validate. I believe these are two
of them:


 We'll probably need to fix these before we turn it on. Simon, these
look like something up your alley...

 - For those who missed ICFP, Simon gave a nice status update for GHC,
which is on YouTube:


Austin Seipp, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP,

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