Making GHCi awesomer?

Daniel Gröber dxld at
Sat Oct 18 18:10:35 UTC 2014

From: Christopher Done <chrisdone at>
Subject: Re: Making GHCi awesomer?
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 19:59:24 +0200

> I haven't used ghc-mod enough to have a crash happen to me. I couldn't get
> it to work the times I'd tried it and others make this complaint. Whereas
> GHCi works for everyone!

I didn't mean ghc-mod specifically. I was wondering which projects
caused this problem for you (or others) when using ghc-server (or
something else) as I'd like to try if it happens with ghc-mod too.

> Herbert doesn't have time to hack on it, but was encouraging about
> continuing with ghci-ng.

Yeah I saw that conversation on IRC.

> I'm thinking to try forward-porting ghci-ng to GHC 7.8, or otherwise
> extracting GHC 7.8's GHCi again and then backporting it to
> 7.6. (Under the assumption that current + past is a reasonable
> number of GHCs to support.) I'm going to experiment with the JSON
> interface and I'll report back with results.

Cool :)

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