GHC MinGW distribution

Edsko de Vries edskodevries at
Wed Jun 11 08:18:07 UTC 2014

git-annex (written in Haskell!) is designed specifically for this purpose.
might be worth a look.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>

> | Right now, cloning the ghc-tarballs.git repo requires to fetch ~130MiB.
> |
> | Can't we simply put the tarballs in a plain HTTP folder on
> |, and store a list (or rather a shell script) of
> | URLs+checksums in ghc.git to retrieve the tarballs if needed on demand?
> Personally I'm fine with that, if someone feels able to implement it (and
> document in the wiki:Repositories page).
> But remember that I'm not very au fait with all the issues so I defer to
> others
> Simon
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: Herbert Valerio Riedel [mailto:hvriedel at]
> | Sent: 10 June 2014 09:43
> | To: Simon Peyton Jones
> | Cc: Robin KAY; ghc-devs at
> | Subject: Re: GHC MinGW distribution
> |
> | Hello Simon,
> |
> | On 2014-06-10 at 10:25:46 +0200, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | > We physically include very selective chunks of MinGW in a GHC Windows
> | distribution
> | > - so that users don't need to install MinGW
> | > - so that GHC doesn't break just because a user has
> | >   a different version of MinGW than we expected
> | > We keep these chunks of MinGW in the GHC repo (in ghc-tarballs)
> | > precisely so that we know exactly which bits to ship.
> |
> | Btw, there's just one thing I'm worried about with keeping those large
> | MinGW binary tarballs in a Git repo:
> |
> | The Git repo will grow monotonically with each new compressed
> | .tar.{bz2,lzma,gz,...} added, with little opportunity for Git to detect
> | shared bitstreams. So effectively each MiB of binary-data added will
> | effectively grow the Git repo everyone will have to clone (even if only
> | the latest MinGW for a specific 32/64-bit platform is desired) by that
> | same amount.
> |
> | Right now, cloning the ghc-tarballs.git repo requires to fetch ~130MiB.
> |
> | Can't we simply put the tarballs in a plain HTTP folder on
> |, and store a list (or rather a shell script) of
> | URLs+checksums in ghc.git to retrieve the tarballs if needed on demand?
> |
> | Cheers,
> |   hvr
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