7.8.3 source tarball imminent

Austin Seipp austin at well-typed.com
Thu Jul 10 00:34:15 UTC 2014

Hello *,

The 7.8.3 source tarball is imminent. I'll be creating it as soon as
my build is done. I expect it will take an hour or so to finish.

Note that I have not yet pushed the tag (which will mark the official
release version), but everything should be just fine. I'm simply a bit
paranoid and running everything through its steps again before handing
it out.

Gabor, Luke, Mark, Karel - you know what to do when it's here.

As usual, I'll be taking care of Windows and the matrix of Linux
builds. Mark has stepped up to build the OS X release, for which I'm
quite grateful.

Sorry for the wait everyone, but it's here, and it's looking good....


Austin Seipp, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP, http://www.well-typed.com/

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