[commit: ghc] master: Add Windows to NoSharedLibsPlatformList (4af1e76)

kyra kyrab at mail.ru
Mon Jan 13 11:08:12 UTC 2014

More on this:

On 1/13/2014 14:51, kyra wrote:
> The last would be better, because dynamic-linked Windows GHC has 
> longer load time (which can jump to intolerable 2-3 secs, which 
> happens, I guess, when we approach 64k exported symbols limit).

"which can jump to intolerable 2-3 secs" refers to different *builds* of 
GHC. Some builds had load times in the order of tenths of a second, some 
- up to 2-3 secs. For example ghc-7.7.20131210 load time was more than 2 
secs. When I've rebuilt it lowering funfolding-creation-threshold 
significantly, load time lowered to tenths of a second.

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