High-level Cmm code and stack allocation

Herbert Valerio Riedel hvriedel at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 12:48:01 UTC 2014

On 2014-01-05 at 01:32:07 +0100, Carter Schonwald wrote:
> i'm inclined to assume that its a parser error.
> instead of (v)= call fun(args...argn);, did you try v = call fun(args1...n)
> ; ?

I've looked more closely at the parser, and the relevant productions...

    | 'call' expr '(' exprs0 ')' ';'
            { doCall $2 [] $4 }
    | '(' formals ')' '=' 'call' expr '(' exprs0 ')' ';'
            { doCall $6 $2 $8 }

...actually require the return values to be newly declared registers,
therefore the following works:

       W_ arg1, arg2;
       arg1 = 1; arg2 = 2; 
       (W_ ret1, W_ ret2) = call stg_fun (arg1,arg2);
       return (ret2, ret1);


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