would support for kind equalities enable the following example?

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 05:11:32 UTC 2014

also Ive not been able to find any tickets on Trac for "heres some
motiviating example for higher kinded data kinds", happy to great a feature
request ticket motivated by this code if there sin't one :)

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:28 PM, Carter Schonwald <
carter.schonwald at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've a use case in my code where It looks like it might be an example of
> something that won't compile until we have type level GADTs
> I'm essentially writing a vector api that
> allows certain args to be mutable, pure or "dont care". (dont care = that
> they're treated as being immutable). I'm using GADTs to model this. (using
> GADTs rather than type classes partly because I want to make sure type
> inference works out nicely, and partly to see how far i can go while not
> adding any new type classes)
> data Eff :: * -> * where
>     Pure :: Eff ()
>     Mut :: s -> Eff s
> data EVector  :: * -> * -> * where
>     PureVector :: S.Vector el  -> EVector Pure el
>     MutVector :: SM.MVector s el -> EVector (Mut s) el
> the above doesn't work because DataKinds only works at kind * currently,
> however i can defunctionalize it to the following (while making it a tad
> less pretty)
> and it then works
> data Eff = Pure | Mut
> data EVector  :: Eff -> * -> * -> * where
>     PureVector :: S.Vector el  -> EVector Pure () el
>     MutVector :: SM.MVector s el -> EVector Mut s  el
> am i correct in thinking that the first example *should* be possible once
> we have fancier kind machinery (kind equalities and type level GADTs?)? I
> suspect I'll be hitting *A LOT* more examples like the above, and if theres
> any ways I can help push this along on the research or engineering side, I
> please tell me :)
> thanks!
> -Carter
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