Cabal release for 7.8

Herbert Valerio Riedel hvriedel at
Tue Feb 4 07:21:01 UTC 2014

On 2014-02-04 at 06:10:24 +0100, Johan Tibell wrote:
> I guess we need one last cabal release for 7.8? Are we ready for that now,
> or do you expect any more 7.8 change that will require cabal changes?

The RC1 has just started, and I'd rather wait a little more till we're
closer to a final release...

PS: We'll also need a 'cabal-install' release, as the current
    doesn't build with GHC 7.8RC1

PS2: would it be possible to have
     picked up for 1.18 (assuming it applies cleanly)? It would make it
     easier to generate documentation tarballs for uploading to Hackage
     w/o needing to 'sed' away all 'file:///' prefixes.

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