arc diff linter looping / stuck

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at
Thu Aug 7 21:51:40 UTC 2014

I'm off on holiday for a week, but you and I have discussed most of these changes, some at length. If you are happy with your implementation, then go ahead and commit, from my pov.

I did take a quick look though.  For #9200 and TcTyClsDecls, I think you have implemented "Possible new strategy" on, but not "A possible variation" (same page).  correct?  If so, worth a note in the source code. And actually I'd transfer the algorithm itself, including the definition of CUSK, into the code. 

kcStrategy seems a very odd name for a predicate on HsDecls that is just a Bool saying whether or not it has a CUSK.  Also odd is that every call to kcHsTyVarBndrs has a corresponding call to kcStrategy, and both functions are in TcHsType; why not just combine them into one?

Thanks for doing this


| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at] On Behalf Of Richard
| Eisenberg
| Sent: 07 August 2014 19:34
| To: ghc-devs
| Subject: arc diff linter looping / stuck
| Hi all,
| I've prepared a bunch of commits to fix several tickets. After pushing
| these commits to branch wip/rae (to save my place and to get validate
| running on Travis), I then `git checkout`ed back to a point where `git
| diff origin/master` gave me a patch for precisely one bug (instead of the
| several unrelated ones I had fixed). I wanted to post to Differential.
| `arc diff` allowed me to fill out a description message (which mentioned,
| in its comments, the right set of commits), but then hung on the
| "linting..." stage. I suppose I could skip the linter, but it's more
| likely I've done something wrong here...
| Any advice?
| In the meantime, please consider this to be a request for feedback on
| everything in wip/rae! The bugs fixed are #9200, #9415, #9404, and #9371.
| Thanks!
| Richard
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