[Urgent] Please fill out the 2014 HCAR entry for GHC!

Austin Seipp austin at well-typed.com
Mon Apr 28 11:21:15 UTC 2014

Hello all,

I hate to pester so late, but this completely slipped my mind *twice*
so I'm afraid I have to!

The HCAR entry deadling is rapidly approaching (~May 1st), and before
I send off what we have to Mihai, I'd like everyone to pitch in as
much as possible.

I've already gone ahead and filled out the skeleton. Now I need y'all
to fill in details. To that end, I've directly CC'd interested
parties, and replicating the message here - if your name is below,
please take a quick look over, it shouldn't take you long.

  * Richard - I copied over the note about the old Explicit Type
Application work - do you have any update on what its current status
is? I also was under the impression the new kind equalities work *may*
go into 7.10, but I haven't heard anything yet. Do please confirm and
edit as you see fit.

 * Iavor - I know you, Eric, and Trevor had worked on Kinds without
Data before. Do you know of its current status? I copied the current
notes into the page -

  I also believe you have some recent work involving using an SMT
solver in the type-checker, which is quite interesting! If you feel
like it, please do mention it, I'm sure people would like to hear.

 * Thomas - everyone is excited about PartialTypeSignatures I think.
Please edit the page and write what you'd like - there's a tiny stub
there already.

 * Edward, Simon, Johan - I'm not sure what you're working on, but I
imagine you may have some runtime system or optimization changes up
your sleeve. Do feel free to add in things you feel you should

 * SimonM - I've added a small note for ApplicativeDo. Please feel
free to expand or tweak it as you see fit.

 * Herbert - Do please make the new repository changes clear, and be
sure to mention anything else you might be working on (perhaps more
integer-gmp improvements?)

Please spread the word (by mouth somehow or IRC) - I'll be monitoring
the page closely for the next few days and send it to Mihail once it's
been expanded upon.


Austin Seipp, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP, http://www.well-typed.com/

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